Monday, April 7, 2014

Using Microsoft SQL 2012 Sequence – Auto Increment ID

Using Microsoft SQL 2012 Sequence – Auto Increment ID

One of the new feature available in the SQL 2012 is Sequence .We can use this feature for various type of matters.We can use this to generate ID or serial numbers (Eg;Company ID,Customer ID..etc). One of advantage is we can have auto increment column which is varchar type.
We can find this new feature under programmability section.


I’m going to explain how to create company ID sequence.
1.       Creating Sequences

Execute the above query .In my sequence I’m starting with 10000 and increment by 1.
2.       Create Table associated with sequence.

CREATE TABLE dbo.Company
CompanyID varchar(10) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DEF_CompanyID DEFAULT 'CM' + CAST((NEXT VALUE FOR dbo.seq_Company) AS varchar),
       CAddress varchar(30),
       Trade varchar(30) ,

Then you can insert some values to table. Company ID will be auto increment column even though it’s type varchar.

Once you pass through above two steps you will be able to get auto increment company ID as below.

Optionally we can restart the sequence by using below query.
Alter SEQUENCE dbo.seq_Company
       RESTART WITH 10000

We can get current value of sequence using below query
SELECT Current_Value
FROM SYS.Sequences
WHERE name='seq_Company'